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Monday, June 9, 2014

Summer off from Writing

So here we are.  I'm three books in now.  LA Ninja I and II are written and published.  No more edits to come.  Pumps is done.  That one was way out in left field for me, mostly because I'm a straight guy who writes gangster/ninja stories.  So the fact that I turned out a chicklit book that has received accolades from industry professionals is exhilarating.  I still can't believe that one. lol... By the way, the fact that a story like Pumps would be labeled as chicklit does not bother me in one bit.  I think it's cool, because I know the main audience for that story would be the cool girls and fashionistas aka hot girls. And hey, that is alright by me lol.  After all, I married a hot fashionista.

Anyways, something funny you might realize if you read LA Ninja I was that I changed some of the names of the gangs are characters.  Apparently there was too much coincidence to real life gangs, as if that was something easy to actually keep up with.  Upon my research, I've found that there are way too many gangs to possibly keep up with, but I did my best.

I just want to say one last thing about what LA Ninja has become.  For one, I am inspired.  Those stories have turned out amazing.  I never intended them to go that way.  I never intended for things to go so shittily for Gabe all the time.  It just happened. I'm not yet sure how I'm going to get him out of the mess he's in, but I surely can't end it bad.  No matter what happens, and yes, I'm totally biased, but these stories should be movies.  I would love to see LA Ninja as a movie.  Right?

Speaking of ninja moves...I was recently checking out some old ninja movies that I used to watch as a kid in the 80s.  They suck! lol... No offense to Golan Globus or Sho Kosugi, who seemed to be in most of them, but they were not good.  Bad plots, bad acting, outlandish themes or sequences, like in Ninja III Domination when the bad ninja gets blown to smithereens in the beginning, or the sword flies on its own.  It goes on and on like that, but I wonder why nobody made a better movie? Well it's my dream that LA Ninja becomes one of the better ninja movies.  And with the resurgence of the 80s, would a resurrection of ninja movies be called for?

Well that's that for ninjas, for now.  I am going to be writing for awhile.  I'm taking the summer off from that.  Hopefully you guys agree with me about the LA Ninja, and hopefully you guys think it rocks.  Let me know either way.  -Adrian

Saturday, June 7, 2014

LA Ninja II

Probably shouldn't be writing this now.  Had three glasses of wine to celebrate!  But... I'm here, and happy, and proud.  LA Ninja II is finally out, and when I did a search for it, you know where I found it? On  Yes!  I thought that was awesome, and for those who check out scribd or smashwords, you'll find that LA Ninja II is FREE! Yes!! FREE!

Of course, I'd like to make a profit, if possible, but like I said before, I'd rather people read it and love it than just make money off it.  My real dream is to make a movie of it.  You know that.  This is the movie I want to see for myself.  Anyways, that's that.  It's already doing well, except people still don't wanna leave reviews, which sucks for me because that doesn't encourage anyone else to read it.  But....I guess that's how it is.

Anyways, that's the deal right now.  I hope you all enjoy it.  Vida's story is a new one, and I think she is so strong that she spawns a story of her own.  It's gonna happen.  I have to go to high school format for that, but I'm pretty sure I can do that. I have to research is all.  I do a lot of that already! lol

Vida is gonna be crazy.  She is a ninja, trained by Gabe, and she is only 14. Now he left and she is going to high school? Wowsers. That's gonna be awesome. I don't even know where to start!  Wait, yes I do! lol...

That's the story for now.  Please let me know what you think.  Feedback is awesome, yet I rarely get any. Do I have any fans?  Do you love LA Ninja? Do you wanna see it in a movie? Does it suck? Anything, please let me know. I'm dying to hear from you.  YES YOU!!!! :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

L.A. Ninja I and II

You guys aren't gonna believe this, but I've been busting ass this past two weeks and I not only got LA Ninja II done, but I also got my final final final edits of LA Ninja I done too.  Both are published now!! Can you believe it??  I can't, but I'm glad to be done with that project for now. I can't wait to have a cold brew and bask in the glory that is the feeling of finishing a novel.  It will have to wait til' this weekend.

But wait!  The news gets better.  LA Ninja II is free.  That's right. F-R-E-E!!  Why?  Cause I'm awesome. Yes.  Cause I'm generous?  For sure.  Cause I'm egotistical?  If that means awesome and generous, then yes!!  Really, though, I am doing it because I think people that read LA Ninja deserve a freebie, and I also want to increase readership.  Yes, it's a marketing tactic!  Is it a cheap hook? Heck no.  I worked my ass off on that novel and I think it's pretty damn good.  So I hope you all enjoy it.

Disclaimer.  There is a problem over at amazon.  They're great, I love the company, and I sure buy a lot of crap there, but alas, they won't let me publish a free book.  I think, though, that I can do promotions where it is free for a time period, so I will definitely hook that up.  Other than that, you'd have to go to smashwords directly, or if you have a nook, or apple device, or any of several other devices besides the kindle you can get it free. So it shouldn't really be a problem, but if it is, drop me a message and I can help you out.

Anyways, that's it for now. I will come back this weekend and setup links, pictures, and more information on how to find LA Ninja II.  Oh, there's one other thing.  For anyone that did read LA Ninja I, I had to go back and change the names of the gangs and the cartels.  It seems that some of the names were "too close" to those of some actual real life gangs in the world. Hey, I didn't know there were so many gangs out there. Anyways, I found that out on my own, but that is a change that some people might notice. That's it.  Happy hunting! -A